(814) 734-1641
Snow 35° / 25°

Summer Access Pass

Trail Status: Trails will open FRIDAY, May 3rd!

Mount Pleasant is excited to offer our Summer Access Pass!  The Summer Access Pass will allow patrons to enjoy Mount Pleasant all summer long.  Summer activities include walking, trail running, hiking, mountain biking, picnicking, dog walking, and more. 

This upcoming season we will offer our traditional Summer Access Pass that includes all activities, except biking, for $25. We will offer an add-on to include biking for $25 for a total of $50. Season Pass Holders will still be eligible for a complimentary Summer Access Pass for hiking, trail running, and walking, but must upgrade to a $25 Biking Summer Access Pass.  Season Pass Holders must still complete the paperwork to receive a Summer Access Pass. 
This summer season, we will provide all users with an individualized pass. Passes may be picked up at a day to be determined in late April or Early May when the trails dry up!  This pass MUST be on your person while enjoying the slopes in the summer. Passes will not be mailed but can be picked up at the Summer Access Kiosk. Online purchases may be picked up in the Summer Access Kiosk sign-in/out box.  PLEASE take only your pass.  Passes may be purchased online at the link below.

The summer season starts when the snow melts and the hill dries out and goes until October 31st when we begin preparing to make snow!  The hill is open from dawn to dusk daily. 

All 23/24 Season Pass Holders will still be eligible for a complimentary Summer Access Pass for hiking, trail running, and walking, but must upgrade to a biking Summer Access Pass. You must also complete a Summer Pass Registration Form.  Please complete the downloadable form below.  




Mount Pleasant Summer Access 1


Do I need to sign in and out?  If so, where do I do so?

Yes!  We ask that everyone sign in and out!  We have an informational kiosk at the base of the tubing park.  Standing in the parking lot, look up at the ski hill, and to your left, you will see the kiosk.  Here you can sign in and out, get information about trail status, maps, and you may also post information about bikes for sale or other biking and hiking-related information.




Mount Pleasant Summer Access 2


How do I get my Summer Access Pass?

To receive your season pass, please complete the online form and payment above.  Summer Access Passes may be picked up at the times listed above or they will be posted at the Summer Access Kiosk. Please note season pass holders must complete the Summer Access Form and return it to Mount Pleasant, just please note on your form you are a season pass holder.  Children 12 and under are free with an accompanying adult but still must complete a summer access pass form.



Mount Pleasant Summer Access 3



I want to try the trails without committing to Summer Access Pass; is that possible?

Yes!  If you are in the area and want to use the trails once or twice, or if you want to see if our trail network will work for you, you may sign-in and put a donation in the Blue Box outside the main lodge door.  With our donations, we are able to continually maintain and upgrade our trail network.  If you would like to see our trails continue to grow and expand, please consider donating!




Mount Pleasant Summer Access 4


I would like to check out the trails, but I am not sure where to go!  Do you offer guided tours?

Yes! Join us every Tuesday starting the first week of June at 6:30 every evening for guided mountain bike rides. Guides will be on hand to show riders the variety of different features we offer such as the flow course, terrain course, race loop, and other trails. Guided tours will start promptly at 6:30. All riders must have and, appropriately display, a Summer Access Pass or have made a donation for that evening's ride. Rides are reminded to always sign in and out and follow proper social distancing protocols. See you on the slopes!



Mount Pleasant Summer Access 4


I love what you are doing and I want to help support the trail network; what else can I do?

All proceeds from the Summer Access Passes are reinvested back into our trail network.  If you are interested in volunteering or making an additional donation, please either A.) leave your contact information or donation in the Blue Box OR B.) contact Mount Pleasant at info@skimountpleasant.com!  We would love to hear from you!




  • Please utilize proper social distancing
  • Pass must be worn at all times
  • Waiver must be signed and users must sign in and out daily
  • No horses or motorized vehicles
  • No air rifles, paintball guns or projectiles of any sorts
  • Walkers have the right-of-way to bikers
  • Dogs must be under control or on a leash
  • Please keep all trails and areas around the lodge free of dog waste!
  • Please be considerate, do not bike in wet conditions that may deteriorate the hill
  • Be respectful of the hill!  Please do not litter!


  • Carry a phone or come with a friend!  The hill IS NOT patrolled.
  • Have an emergency plan in place!  The lodge may not be open.


Mount Pleasant SummerMount Pleasant SunsetMount Pleasant Biking 

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