(814) 734-1641
Snow 35° / 25°

#skiMTP | Mount Pleasant of Edinboro

We want your pictures!  We will be holding our #skiMTP contest this season.  Using Instagram, follow us at @mountpleasantofedinboro and post your pictures using "#skiMTP" and approved photos will show up on the website.  This seasons theme is "Family Fun."  The best part?  We are giving away prizes to the best photos!  1st place will receive a FREE season pass, 2nd place will receive a free Snokids or After School Program package, and 3rd place will receive a free locker at the lodge.  In addition, all winning photos will be framed in the lodge.  Winners will be chosen using by management for photos that display Family Fun at Mount Pleasant. Feel free to be creative, good luck and as always #skiMTP!  

Instagram Feeds #skimtp

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