(814) 734-1641
Snow 35° / 25°

Six Week Skiing & Snowboarding Programs | Mount Pleasant of Edinboro 

Mount Pleasant of Edinboro offers various programs to bring you the most enjoyable winter fun! We offer the SnoKids and SnoParents programs which all run for six weeks. Mount Pleasant also offers a six-week After School program for schools looking for exciting extracurricular activities for students. This year we are pleased to introduce our SnoTots Program for 2, 3, and 4-year-olds! By enrolling in one of our programs, you will also be given the opportunity to make friends and engage with others who share the love for snow sports. Challenge yourself and let our professional instructors show you the way with snow sports!

"These young men and women are such wonderfully positive and nice people. My 4-year-old had never skied and at the end of week four was doing the big hill and at the end of week six was fist-bumping my husband as he hopped off the ski lift! We are amazed at the skills my 8-year-old skier turn 1st-time snowboarder has acquired over the past six weeks. We HIGHLY recommend this six-week program to any parent considering it."  -Melisa Mauro

2024/2025 3-Week After School, Snokids, and Ski Tots Program

Program Details: 

  • Program is offered Friday at 5:15, Saturday and Sunday at 10 am or 2 pm
  • 90-minute lessons
  • An excellent way to continue with your existing six-week program or..
  • It is the perfect way to get into snowsport this year without waiting until the 25/26 season


SnoKids/After School: $145 for the program $50 for rentals $100 for the program w/existing pass
SnoTot: $275 for the program $50 for rentals $220 for the program w/existing pass


Download and complete the form at the link below.  After completing it, please email it to skischool@skimountpleasant.com.  Or, feel free to call the lodge to register.


Elevate Women’s Clinic 

This lesson focuses on intermediate and advanced ski techniques.  It will be divided into two groups,  young adults from 13 to 17 and women 18 and up.  Lessons will include video sessions to detail areas to improve and progress at the end of the lesson.

Lessons will be taught exclusively by women instructors! 

Session: Sunday at 10 for two hours

Price: $145 for the program $50 for rentals $100 for the program w/existing pass

2024/2025 After School and Ski Club Program

Program Details: 

  • Our After School program is our most affordable learn-to-ski program!
  • Perfect for both students 5 and up and parents!
  • We welcome any group of at least ten participants.
  • The program includes six weeks of one-hour lessons and a lift ticket.
  • The program price as shown does not include parents.  If parents wish to participate, they must complete a separate registration for themselves.
  • Parents are highly encouraged to join!  Parents are not in the same lesson group as the children.  Parents will be grouped with other parents of similar abilities! 
  • School group passes are good for their designated nights for the entire season after the program begins.
  • Your After School Pass turns into a SEASON PASS after March 1st!kid-ski-lessons-edit.jpg
  • Group advisors receive FREE program passes based on the number of participants; contact us to see if your group participates.
  • This program is not just for students!  We encourage families (kids and adults) to join as well.
  • For registrations after December 13th a $25 late fee will be applied .
  • We encourage you to register EARLY for After School Lesson programs. 
  • In order to best balance our guests on-premises, we WILL close certain time slots as they fill.
  • At no time during the season shall we limit the access to the mountain for an After School participant, however, we MAY limit over-the-counter ticket sales depending on guest numbers on-premises. 
  • If you want to come once a week, check out our “Once a Week” Pass.
  • Skiing on MLK Day and Presidents Day is only included for Monday Participants. 

Sessions: Monday through Friday at 4:00, 5:15, and 6:30

Lesson Dates: Lessons start on Monday, January 6th! 

Price: $190.00  The price is PER person and parents are not included in the fee. Parents are encouraged to register but must complete their own registration to participate.

Ski and Snowboard Rentals: $40 + tax for the entire 6-week session! 

Helmet Rental: $70 + tax for a 6-week session (Helmets are available for purchase at Mount Pleasant! Prices range from $55-$100 and may be a better option than renting!)

Season Pass for 18 and under + After School Program $420 without rentals

Season Pass for Adult + After School Program $460 without rentals

Online Registration Has Closed!  Please Call The Lodge To Register!

Questions about the program?  Don't hesitate to ask us here or email Ski School, the weekend program director.

When registering, feel free to sign up for any of the time slots below that fit your schedule.  For example, if Friday at 4:00 - Parker Middle School works for you, please feel free to select that time slot, even though it says Parker Middle School.  You and your registrants will join their lesson times.  Spaces that say "Open" do not yet currently have an associated school group or club, and anyone may register for these time slots.  Also, keep in mind that if you attend Parker Middle School, but 4:00 doesn't work for you, you are free to join any available time slot!  Don't see your school and want to join?  Fill out the form below!

2024/2025 Snokids and Snoparent Programs

Program Details: 

    • SnoKids Program - Mount Pleasant of Edinboro

      Group Lesson - 1.5 hours.
    • First Day of Lessons Will Be Friday, January 10th!  
    • The program includes an ALL DAY lift ticket!
    • Ages 5 and up and parents!  Not quite 5?  Check out SnoTots!
    • The program price as shown does not include parents.  If Parents wish to participate, they must complete a separate registration for themselves.
    • Parents are highly encouraged to join!  Parent lessons are with other parents of similar ages and abilities.  Parents are not in the same lesson group as the children.  Parents will be grouped with other parents of similar abilities! 
    • Ski and snowboard before and after your lesson!  We find that those who practice before and after your lesson advance the most!
    • Snokids passes are good for their designated day for the entire season after the program begins.
    • For registrations after December 13th a $25 late fee will be applied. 
    • In order to best balance our guests on-premises, we WILL close certain time slots as they fill.
    • If you want to come once a week check out our “Once a Week” Pass.

Sessions:  Friday: 12 pm and 2 pm;  Saturday 10 am (FULL), 12 pm, 2 pm, 4 pm, and 6 pm; Sunday 10 am (ALMOST FULL), 12 pm, 2 pm and 4 pm

Lesson Dates: Every Saturday and Sunday starting the weekend of January 10th!  Last weekend would be February 14th, 15th and 16th! 

Price: $230.00 for the lesson program and lift ticket. Just $38 a day for lessons and lift tickets! The price is PER person and parents are not included in the $230 fee. Parents must complete their own registration to participate.

Ski/Board and Boot Rentals: $80 + tax for the entire 6-week session.  Just $13 a day for rentals!

Helmet Rental: $70 + tax for a 6-week session (Helmets are available for purchase at Mount Pleasant! Prices range from $55-$100 and may be a better option than renting!)

         Season Pass for 18 and under + Snokids Program $430 without rentals

         Season Pass for Adult + Snokids Program $480 without rentals

Please complete one registration for each participant! We HIGHLY encourage parents to join!! If parents wish to join they must complete a separate registration for themselves!

Online Registration Has Closed!  Please Call The Lodge To Register!

The Snokids and Snoparents program is the ideal way to break out of the dreary winter weather and enjoy the snow as a family!  The Snokids program uses games and props to promote an engaging learning environment for kids as young as 5 to help them learn to ski or snowboard.  

Parents can take lessons during their children's lesson time, beginning 15 minutes after the children start and ending 15 minutes before the children finish. Snoparents is a great way for parents to engage themselves with winter sports and start family ski/snowboard traditions!

We maintain an instructor-to-student ratio no greater than 5 to 1 for beginners to promote individual growth and mastery.   As a result, please register early.  We will cap all sessions at approximately 75 students. For more information and questions contact us here

SnoKids and SnoParents program passes are accepted for the remainder of the season on the scheduled day and time once the program has been completed. After the 6-week lesson program has been completed, rentals are not included when you visit.  Rentals must be purchased separately after the 6-week lesson program. There are no refunds after registration and/or purchase of SnoKids or SnoParents packages.

Questions about the program?  Don't hesitate to ask us here or email Ski School, the program director.  

2024/2025 Snotots Programs - New!

Program Details: 

  • Private or Semi-Private Lesson - 1.5 hours with a short break in the middle that includes hot chocolate.
  • The first day of Lessons Will Be Friday, January 10th!  
  • Designed as a “Snow Experience Program” with a blend of education and snow play to introduce your child to the snow and learn to love outdoor sports! 
  • Lessons for 2, 3, or 4 year olds.
  • Children of similar ages and experiences may be grouped to facilitate a more enjoyable learning environment.
  • The program price as shown does not include parents.  If Parents wish to participate, they must complete a separate SNOPARENT registration for themselves.
  • Although the goal of the program is to develop a skier or a snowboarder, the primary purpose of the Snotots program is to HAVE FUN and learn to enjoy winter!

Sessions:  Saturday 10 am, 12 pm, 2 pm, 4 pm, and 6 pm; (Sunday 10 am FULL), 12 pm, 2 pm, and 4 pm

Lesson Dates: Every Saturday and Sunday starting the weekend of January 10th!  Last weekend would be 15th and 16th! 

Price: $475.00 for the lesson program and lift ticket. The price is PER person and parents are not included.  Parents must complete their own registration to participate.

Ski/Board and Boot Rentals: $80 + tax for the entire 6-week session.  Just $13 a day for rentals!

Helmet Rental: $70 + tax for a 6-week session (Helmets are available for purchase at Mount Pleasant! Prices range from $55-$100 and may be a better option than renting!)

Online Registration Has Closed!  Please Call The Lodge To Register!

After School Program Schedule

Please note that we are working with schools and groups to confirm time slots.   In addition, busing is not confirmed for any group at this time.  We will work to provide updates as we receive them!

NEARLY FULL!   This time slot has very limited space. Please register NOW!

FULL  This time slot is full.  No more registrations will be accepted.

PENDING This time slot is not confirmed with a school partner, however, we hope to confirm shortly!

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

10:00 Snokids


12:00 Snokids

2:00 Snokids

4:00 Snokids

4:00 Area Home School

4:00 Creative Learning Christian School

5:15 The Learning Center and Area Home School

6:30 Aea Home School

4:00 Cambridge Springs


5:15 Cambridge Springs

5:15 Erie Catholic Schools 

Waterford Community

6:30 Cambridge Springs

6:30 Erie Catholic Schools


Grandview and Belle Valley Elementary 

4:00 Conneaut Valley

5:15 Saegertown

Still Confirming Saegertown

Crawford Central

6:30  Crawford Central

4:00 Parker Middle School/McKean Elementary 4th Graders

5:15 Open

6:30 Edinboro and McKean Elementaries 

12:00 Snokids

2:00 Snokids

4:00 Parker Middle School


Grove City Christian Academy 

6:30 Mill Village

10:00 Snokids


12:00 Snokids

2:00 Snokids

4:00 Snokids

6:00 Snokids

TIme is still UNCONFIRMED   


Edinboro University Ski Club

EUP CORE will again offer a ski club!  Inquire with EUP Core!

 The Blue Box

This season you may drop off your lesson registrations at the lodge at any time!  To the left of the main door is a blue lockbox.  Please feel free to drop off lesson registrations here!

 Want to form a group?

We are always looking to expand our After School Ski and Snowboard Program!  If your church, school, youth group, boy or girl scout troop, or any other organization would be interested in participating please fill out the form below!  Somebody will be in contact with you to discuss a program!  Depending on group size, the group advisor may receive a FREE season pass for their efforts.

School or Club Name: *
First Name: *
Last Name: *
Email: *
Phone Number: *
Day of the week you would like:
Number of Group Participants:
An approximate number is acceptable
Has your group skied or snowboarded elsewhere?:

Advanced Ski and Snowboard Techniques (Coming February 2025)

This lesson focuses on advanced skiing and riding techniques including, but not limited to racing, jumps, rails and varying off-piste terrain like glades, ungroomed snow, and uneven terrain.  This program is a great opportunity to learn advanced techniques in a safe, controlled environment.

Lesson will be taught and supervised by PSIA/AASI Certified instructors. Helmets REQUIRED.

Sessions: Friday at 5:30, Saturday and Sunday at 12

Price: $125 for the program WITHOUT LIFT TICKETS, $160 with lift tickets

Ski/Board Rentals: $45 + tax for the entire 3-week session.


Elevate Women’s Clinic  (Coming February 2025)

This lesson focuses on intermediate and advanced ski techniques.  It will be divided into two groups,  young adults from 13 to 17 and women 18 and up.  Lessons will include multiple video sessions to details areas to improve and progression at the end of the lesson.

Lessons will be taught exclusively by women instructors and ski patrollers certified by PSIA and NSP. 

Session: Sunday at 10

Price: $125 for the program WITHOUT LIFT TICKETS, $160 with lift tickets

Ski/Board Rentals: $45 + tax for the entire 3-week session.

Elevate Women's Clinic WITH RENTALS 
Elevate Women's Clinic WITHOUT RENTALS


Contact Mount Pleasant of Edinboro for more information about the programs offered.

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